Monday, September 27, 2010

Preschool Week 2

We made it through another day of preschool! The boys did great today. We only painted on each other and only Drew spilled his water at snack time. The best part of preschool is the 2.5 hour nap that follows when we get home!!!
How many tries does it take to get a good picture?

A lot! These were taken when we got home, paint and all! Also, you may have noticed Drew's serious face in the pictures - he thought he was being really sneaky by slowly sliding off of the window sill. He thought he was pretty funny when his feet finally hit the floor!


Erin @ 3 Meadow Lake Cottage said...

Wow they look big! Funny to read about your preschool experiences - they sound identical to mine! My boys have those same shirts too - yay for Target!

Esra.C said...

awwwhh really cute!!

Unknown said...

Good pictures, congratulations!