Sunday, September 21, 2008

It Worked!

The mini revolution by the boys worked. I no longer have the contraction monitor attached to me 24 hours a day and we don't have to do the daily NST!! We are doing the 2x weekly BPP though. Way to go boys!

So the BPP tests are only supposed to be done 2x weekly but I have had 4 this week. Why? Due to inept ultrasound technicians (in my opinion). They were unable to see Baby B take a breath on Thursday so they did another one on Friday and were unable to see it again. Don't be alarmed, it is often hard to catch for babies around 30 weeks and earlier. It is all a matter of catching it when it happens. Anyhow, I had to have a fourth one this morning and all babies did great. It took a while to catch Baby C breathing so we got to watch him for a long time. He was pretty entertaining! We got to see him yawn, move his hands around his face, get kicked in the back of the head by Baby A, and even stick his tongue out!! I'm guessing he will be the kid that you can never take a good picture of because he is always making goofy faces:)


PerryBlog said...

So yawning, moving his hands around and sticking out his tongue isn't proof enough that he is actually breathing?...

Jenny said...

Don't get me started!!!! That is exactly what I said.