Sunday, October 23, 2011

No more mean guys.

This summer we graduated from short little TV programs to watching movies.  Actual movies.  The boys love MOVIES!  Mommy loves movies...they are great for long car rides and days with skipped naps, etc.  We have watched the Toy Story movies, Open Season, Horton Hears a Who, and Rio.  They have really given these little guys some interesting things to talk about and incorporate into their pretend play - which is an entirely different blog post (once I get some video).  Movies, however, have also introduced mean guys, bad guys, naughty guys or whatever you would like to call them.  Evan has recently decided that he is especially bothered by the means guys and is going to do something about it.

This is a video of Evan explaining how he wants movies with no mean guys.  Keep in mind that this conversation had been going on for quite a while before I wised up and grabbed my phone.  It is nice to see enthusiasm for a cause.  This is possibly the video of a future politician!

I would also like to point out our small success in teaching table manners.  Within the first few seconds of the video Isaac tells Evan that he burped and needs to say "excuse me."  Follow by Evan, not missing a beat and working in an "excuuuuse me" into his passionate speech.

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