- catch vomit with my bare hands
- shake a nugget out of my baby's diaper upside down in a park
- continue wearing clothing that I know full well has spit-up or pee on it
- get peed on...a lot
- get so bent out of shape about stupid comments strangers make
- want to fight above mentioned strangers
- take long drives covering most of north Snohomish County
- drive from Starbucks to McDonald's (not my best day)
- get warm and fuzzy after receiving a wet, slimy, open-mouthed kiss from one of the boys (not including Brewster)
- taste beef baby food
- get used to the smell of formula
- get used to the smell of formula spit-up
- miss wires attached to my babies to make sure they are breathing (I had a lot of weird dreams about this)
- smell butts to check for stinky diapers
- be judgemental of people with one baby who can't get anywhere on time...please people
- sweat so much trying to get 3 babies out of the house
- tailgate by feeding 3 babies out of the back of our car in a parking lot
- let my kids watch TV (I know this takes me out of the running for Mother of the Year)
Even after all of this, I never thought I could love three little guys so much!!!